0 items / $0.00


How long does Pre-Order items take to ship out?
Most, it not all, pre-orders will have a hard close date with a 1-2 week estimate after the close date to ship out.
Otherwise, out-of-stock pre-orders can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks to ship out after you order. We order our buttons in batches.

Do you ship internationally?
Unfortunately we do not ship out internationally. We only serve the U.S. right now.

I received my items and they are damaged. What do I do?
Please contact us using the "Contact" page or email us at [email protected].

Do you accept returns or exchanges?
We only accept returns and exchanges for our shirts and apparel items, under the conditions of wrong size and misprints, within 14 days of receiving your product. Please contact us using the "Contact" page or email us at [email protected].
For buttons, charms, and accessories, all sales are final.